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Guide to Serving Process Out of State

Accurate Serve® of Pensacola is a reputable process service agency situated in Pensacola, Florida. We understand that legal matters can transcend state boundaries, and serving process to individuals located outside of Florida can present unique challenges. In this post, we will discuss the process and methods involved in serving individuals beyond Florida’s jurisdiction and explain how Accurate Serve® can efficiently handle such situations.

Understanding Out-of-State Service of Process

The serving process refers to the lawful act of delivering legal documents, such as complaints, summonses, or subpoenas, to individuals involved in a legal matter. When the person being served is situated outside of Florida, the process becomes more intricate. The key to serving process out of state is to adhere to legal procedures and ensure compliance with both Florida and the jurisdiction’s laws where the process is being served. Florida’s official stance on the serving process that originates in Florida but is served outside the state can be found in Chapter 48.194 of the 2022 Florida Statutes. Continue reading

A Guide to Ensuring Proper Service of Process

At Accurate Serve® of Pensacola, we understand the importance of ensuring proper service of process. Service of process is the procedure by which a party to a lawsuit delivers legal papers to another party to provide notice that a lawsuit has been filed. The goal of the service of process is to ensure that the recipient of the legal papers has sufficient notice of the lawsuit and can respond appropriately. In Florida, there are specific rules and procedures that must be followed to ensure proper service of process. This guide provides an overview of the rules and procedures for the service of process in Florida. Continue reading

How to Serve Process on a Business

Serving process on a business in Florida can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be done efficiently and effectively. Process serving is the legal procedure of delivering legal documents, such as a complaint or summons, to the person or entity being sued. The process server’s role is to ensure that the legal documents are properly served and delivered to the appropriate party. In this post, we will discuss the steps to the serving process for a business in Florida.

Gather the Documents

After you’ve filed your lawsuit with your county’s or judicial circuit’s Clerk of Court, they will provide you with a copy of your complaint and a summons to deliver to all defendants named in the suit, whether it be individuals or a business. Suing certain types of businesses, such as corporations, may require other types of forms to be filed. These are the documents you will need in the next step to provide to a process server.  Continue reading

Why You Need to Hire a Process Server to Serve Divorce Papers

Going through a divorce is a stressful and emotionally challenging time, and serving divorce papers is often one of the most difficult tasks. As a Pensacola, Florida based process service agency, we understand the complexity and sensitivity of serving divorce papers. In this blog post, we will explain why you need to hire a process server to serve divorce papers and the benefits that come with it.

Minimized Conflict

Perhaps the most important reason to use a process server to serve divorce papers in Florida is that they can minimize the potential for conflict between the two divorcing parties. Process servers are trained to serve documents in a respectful and professional manner, which can help to reduce the stress and emotional impact of the divorce process. Continue reading

What Does Proof Of Service Entail?

If you’ve hired a process server to deliver the process in a legal case you’ve filed, or to act as a chain of custody for some other sort of important documents, then you’ll want to know how the process server can prove that they served the documents correctly. In Florida, process servers are required to collect what’s known as proof of service after all jobs. This proof of service acts as evidence that the documents were delivered to the correct recipient on a certain date and time. 

Elements of Valid Proof of Service

There are several elements that must be included on the proof of service document for it to be considered valid: Continue reading

Typical Questions Asked About Process Servers

Whenever we tell people that we’re process servers, the questions just start pouring in. Little is really known or understood about the process service industry by the average citizen, so we’re hoping to change that by going over the most common questions we get from customers about what we do.

What is Process?

According to Cornell Law School, the process is the paperwork, especially but not limited to the summons and complaint, that is related to a court case. The process is delivered to the defendant(s) named in the court case to provide notice of their requested appearance in court on a specified date and time. Continue reading

What is a Process Server Allowed to Do?

Process servers are essential to keeping Florida’s court systems running smoothly. They make sure that everyone knows about their upcoming court dates, eviction proceedings, or even sensitive business information. They must use intelligence, tact, and creativity to find and serve process recipients from all walks of life. Even though they have a lot of freedom in what they’re allowed to do to find someone, there are some rules too.

Process Servers Can Contact People You Know

Friends, family members, even someone who just likes a bunch of your Facebook posts…process servers can contact them all when searching for you. It’s usually a pretty successful tactic too…most people reach out to the process server themselves once they get a call from Mom about it! Continue reading

What it Takes to Become a Successful Process Server

If you’re just starting out as a process server, you’ve probably wondered what you can do to be more successful. Process serving can be a competitive field, so you’ll want to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd. In this post, we’ll go over our top tips to achieve ultimate success as a process server in the Florida panhandle:

Get Certified

Any process server who wants to work in Pensacola must be certified by Florida’s First Judicial Circuit. The 1st judicial circuit covers Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton counties in Florida. To become certified in these counties, you must: Continue reading

Can a Process Server Wear a Body Camera?

Transparency and accountability are big topics in today’s society, and body cameras are an excellent tool to put these concepts into practice. Law enforcement use body cameras nationwide to provide an undeniable record of their interactions with the public and each other. But would it be advantageous, or even legal, for others who provide auxiliary legal services in Florida to also use body cameras? Well, there are a few things to consider:


It is generally legal to video in Florida as long as you’re not videoing in an area with an expectation of privacy, such as a bathroom or fitting room. This means when a process server is out in the community searching for their process recipient, they could record videos of the vast majority of their day. Continue reading

How to Know if a Process Server is Legitimate

It may sound crazy, but there are people out there who will impersonate a process server to scam you into paying them, then they never do the job and run off with your cash. If you’re an attorney, or even just an individual filing a pro se lawsuit, you need to know how to identify a fake process server, so you don’t get burned. Wasting time and money on an illegitimate process server will delay your case to a minimum. At worst, it could give the defendant grounds to request a dismissal.

In this post, we’ll go over our top tips for telling the difference between a legit process server and a con artist: Continue reading